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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Freshlog Build 20090731 Released!

Apart from bug fixes, now the UI for issue tracker has been improved:


Update your clients via Sparkle :)

Check out the full release notes here: updated with new design and UI Improvements

Go check it out!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Annotate your images using Mac OS X

Implemented Lighthouse Get Memberships replied to my post asking about listing memberships in projects, which was previously undocumented.

Rolled this out in Release 20090715.2, so update away! :)


Freshlog Build 20090715 Released!

Shortened width of the top menu by implementing custom icons instead of spelling out “Ready”, “Send..” etc


Orange: Ready/Ripe for plucking.


Green for unripe, still uploading and


Red for pausing.


Issue Tracker credential save notification

Someone mentioned the Eye used for the issue tracker was creepy so:


Thanks to @imagetic and @Leech for these suggestions :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Feature: show/hide dock icon

Implemented suggestion by @Leech to show/hide dock icon:
Available in Release 20090711.5, update now! :)

Tip: Shortcut Keys for Quick Screenshot Uploads


Wanna have ninja swift Freshlog screenshot uploading skills? (That was a mouthful)

Do this!


Be sure to Enable access for assistive devices under Universal Access in System Preferences


followed by going under the Mouse & Trackpad tab to enable full keyboard access!


New feature: Return to Freshlog HUD if you decide not to edit your screenshot after all

Major User Interface Improvements


Now you can access Freshlog anywhere via the top toolbar menu, @Leech suggested having customized icons instead of actual words to save screen estate, so that'll be in the works :)


Here's the screenshot uploading HUD!

Credit goes to @nathenharvey for helping to debug a problem loading an Unfuddle account with many projects. The guy did screencasts to show me the exact problem man, how cool is that? :D


Start everything off from a login here!


When you're logged in, you can specify your favourite image editor for Freshlog to open with should you need to do some annotation.


And this is where you can enter your Issue Tracker credentials! Credits go to @jkeyes for suggesting login via Lighthouse tokens.


And finally the Activity Viewer to see the log of all your screenshot and issue tracker URLs.


I've also implemented @Leech's suggestion of drag and drop picture uploads.

Let me know what you think! :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Just got a call from the Apple Service Center

My Macbook's ready for collection tomorrow! Woohoo! :D

Working with Constraints


After my macbook hard disk crashed, I sent it for repairs and this was all I could run on my parents' Mac Mini, which only has 512Mb RAM, while working on Freshlog.

That also meant, no instant messaging, no web surfing, no iTunes.

For the whole day I would code, compile in XCode and test. Creating dummy Mac OS X accounts to test the Blank Slate was also relatively painless, since I didn't have to care about saving my browser sessions.

Hyper productive day – almost ready to release Freshlog another major build of Freshlog!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hard Disk Crash!

Thankfully, I made fresh backups the night before, so I didn't lose much.

Incidentally, as my cold stiff fingers were temporarily pulled from XCode, I now have the chance to write this post.

I'll be updating this blog to keep you guys in the loop on development :)

17 minutes left to finish downloading XCode..